Do You Think Your Pet Could Be A Social Media Star...... Like My Dog Uno??

One in Four People Think Their Pet Could Be a Social Media Star


Everyone thinks their own kid is the cutest. So does that also apply to PETS?


A new poll of 2,000 pet owners found one in four think their dog or cat has what it takes to be a SOCIAL MEDIA STAR.


Around a third said they've already created at least one social media account for a pet. And many of those people said their pet has more followers than they do.


40% said that in general, they prefer posting photos and videos of their pets than pictures of themselves.


Meanwhile, another new poll found the average American now spends $690 a year on their pets. That's up 50% in the last decade.


Women tend to spend more than men. And the older you are, the more money you'll drop . . . Baby Boomers average $834 a year compared to $425 for Gen Z.


Based on the number of pet stores per capita, they found Cincinnati is the most pet-obsessed city in America. That's followed by Bridgeport, Connecticut . . . Buffalo, New York . . . Columbus, Ohio . . . and Seattle, Washington.


The LEAST pet-obsessed cities are Birmingham, Alabama . . . San Jose, California . . . Oklahoma City . . . Los Angeles . . . and Salt Lake City. 


(NY Post / Lending Tree)

Originally posted on April 6th, 2022

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