TREVOR D MINI-MORNING SHOW: Visit with Tyler Hubbard & Magic 8-Ball Monday

MAGIC 8-BALL MONDAY.... Question's For Trevor D's Magic 8-Ball

TRENDING: The Hottest New Bedtime for 20-Somethings Is: Old People Bedtime

BETCHA DIDN'T KNOW: Around 25% of the words we use every day are the 10 most common words 

in English: The, be, to, of, and, a, in, that, have, and I.

MONDAY MORNING MORON AWARD: Someone in Alabama Stole a Tower . . . a 200-Foot Radio Tower

8 O'CLOCK TALK: Kentucky's Groundhog Died on Groundhog Day

VISIT WITH: Tyler Hubbard of Florida-Georgia Line & Opening for Kane Brown at The Alerus Center Saturday, April 20th

Originally Aired: Monday, February 5th, 2024

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