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Strange Easter Traditions from Other Countries Around the World
Here are a few strange ways people celebrate Easter in other countries around the world . . .
1. Australia. In Australia, rabbits are considered pests that destroy crops and land, so some companies now make chocolate BILBIES for Easter instead of bunnies. A bilby is an endangered marsupial that's also known as a rabbit-eared bandicoot.
2. Florence, Italy. They have a 350-year-old tradition known as Scoppio del Carro, or "explosion of the cart." And that's basically what it sounds like . . . a fancy cart packed with fireworks that's paraded through the city before being lit for a big fireworks display.
3. Greece. On the morning of Holy Saturday, people on the island of Corfu in Greece throw pots, pans and other pottery out their windows and smash them on the street.
4. Hungary. On Easter Monday, people in Hungary do something called "sprinkling," where boys and girls playfully sprinkle perfume, cologne, or water on each other.
5. Bermuda. On Good Friday, people fly colorful kites on the beach to symbolize Christ's resurrection and ascension into Heaven.
(Wikipedia / Visit Florence / Delish / Wikipedia / Skyscanner)