Former Student Gave Entire Staff at Their Elementary School Free Vacations

A Former Student Gave the Entire Staff at Their Elementary School Free Vacations


Did you do anything nice for Teacher Appreciation Day last week?  Like maybe send an old teacher a thank you note?  If so, you deserve a gold star.  But whoever did this deserves ALL the gold stars . . .


The staff at Lindley Elementary School in Greensboro, North Carolina were got a pretty amazing gesture from a former student last week.


It's not clear who they are, so I guess they want to remain anonymous.  But they own a travel agency now.


And they surprised the entire staff by giving them vouchers for a FREE VACATION for them AND their families to anywhere in the continental U.S.


The principal's name is Tracy Roof, and she got to tell everyone about it.  She had all the teachers gather in the auditorium.  And obviously they were THRILLED.


The vouchers have a total combined value of $96,000.


Tracy says it's amazing to know someone out there values teachers that much.  And the big reveal was a moment she'll never forget. 



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