Things I'm Thankful For: Fainting Goats

So a couple of weeks ago I was recording a podcast with my bandmates, and for whatever reason the topics we discussed had to start with the letter "G." We discussed garbage, gold plated jewelry and for some reason, goats; fainting goats in particular. Out of a table of 5 people, somehow old RJ was the only one who had never seen the viral videos of fainting goats. In fact, I hadn't even HEARD of them. My friends looked at me like I had been living on the moon. Well, needless to say I was intrigued. I like funny videos as much as the next guy so I'm not exactly sure how I had missed the memo on this one, but I had. Now, I realize if it can happen to me it can happen to anyone, and far be it from me to leave anyone in the dark. So for those who have never seen goats passing out when yelled at, here is a special treat. You don't have to live in the dark anymore. Watch. Watch the fainting goats. Incidentally, this video is one of the many things I'm thankful for this year. enjoy!

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