Prom Proposals and Details on How I Spent My Weekend

So, I went to prom in Park River on Saturday night. Well, I watched the Grand March. So, not exactly PROM per se, but you get the point. It was actually pretty cool. I hadn't been to one since I took a date my senior year in Grafton. Yeah, I can honestly tell you THAT night didn't end so well. I'll spare you the details but let's just say my name ended up in a small corner in a special section of our local newspaper a few days after that little adventure.

Anyway, it was nice to go to one of these things as a somewhat smarter adult and not have to worry about getting into any trouble this time around. By the way if you're wondering why I even WENT to grand march in Park River I can explain. It's not like I go to random dances at area schools every weekend or anything. You see the girlfriend's oldest daughter was in it this year so I've been told its my obligation to attend such things. So, me being the prince that I am, attended this "such thing."

The prom was as nicely decorated as I've ever seen a small town dance to be. Checkerboard floor, streamers, sparkly chandeliers and finely decorated and set dinner tables. This thing was posh. It even had a masquerade theme which was actually pretty cool. That's all I can really say about that since I'm not a trained decor critic. Besides that's not even the point of my post today. Just know this, The Park River high school was fancy this weekend and I was impressed.

When grand march was over, (which didn't take too long. They ran all 45 couples through long before I had to start complaining about wanting to go home) I learned from the girlfriend's younger daughter about a video that had been going viral in the Park River High School. And I'll tell you about that video after a short back story which will start in 3..2..1..., Ok so back in 2012 this guy named Matt Farley comes up with the idea of writing and recording a prom proposal song. He then stole my idea before I could even come up with it and recorded that song 500 times using different girls' names. For instance, "Samantha will you go to the prom with me?" Or, "Helga will you go to the prom with me?" you get the point. Well, somehow boys found his recordings on the internet and started buying them. They would then record videos of themselves and their friends lip syncing to Matt's proposal song. Then they'd send the videos to the girl in question and she couldn't help but say yes. I mean how could she say no? What kind of a MONSTER would say no?!!

So, lets get back to the task at hand, which is the whole point of today's blog entry. So this, I can only assume insanely popular guy in PRAS (Park River Area School) decided to get his friends together to record one for "Julia" in this case. Now, this isn't just your regular group of guys either. These guys are in a high school band called "The Bed Bugz." And The Bed Bugz are awesome let me tell you. Any High School band that still covers Beatles songs in this day in age is aces in my book. Are all the guys in the video in The Bed Bugz? Good question, and one I could have totally researched the answer to before I wrote this today, but we all know that wasn't going to happen.

Anyway, I've included a video of said "popular boy's" proposal to "Julia." They choreographed the thing flawlessly if you ask me and I think you'll enjoy it. Be careful though, this song is gonna get stuck in your head all day. And while they may not have written or sang the song personally, their use of Mr. Matt Farley's words is genius and they've no doubt created a high school memory they'll never forget. And I guarantee it'll remain a far better memory than any recollection I have of MY prom. Great job guys.

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