MORON AWARD: Woman Was Arrested for Wearing a Bikini That Was Too Small

A Woman Was Arrested for Wearing a Bikini That Was Too Small

There's a 26-year-old woman named Lin Tzu Ting from Taiwan, and she was on vacation in the Philippines last week with her boyfriend.

Well . . . she went out onto the beach in a TINY bikini. From the pictures, you can see that it was basically just a few pieces of string with the smallest possible amounts of material covering the most sensitive zones.

The hotel staff told her not to wear it on Wednesday, but she did anyway. And when she wore it again on Thursday, they called the cops.

And she was arrested for lewdness, which carries a fine of around $48.

A state-run news agency says Lin and her boyfriend said the bikini was, quote, "a form of art" . . . and, quote, "It's quite normal for us in our country." 

(Daily Mirror

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