#TRENDING-Tue 11/05/19: Microsoft Tried a Four-Day Work Week, And....

Microsoft Tried a Four-Day Work Week . . . and Productivity Skyrocketed

Last August, Microsoft Japan decided to test what would happen if they had their employees work four days a week instead of five. So they let all 2,300 of their employees have Fridays off for the month.

And the result was . . . a huge success. Productivity went up 40%, so even though people were working for less time, they were getting more done.

And that wasn't the only way it was good for Microsoft. People took 25% fewer vacation days than normal because they were already getting those Fridays off . . . they printed 59% fewer sheets of paper . . . and they used 23% less electricity.

Microsoft Japan says they're planning to do the four-day work weeks again next summer . . . and maybe at some other times, too. 

(Sora News 24)

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