TREVOR D MINI MORNING SHOW: Before The World Ends, I Hope To....

#TRENDING: You Start Becoming Your Father at Age 37 . . . Here Are the 10 Signs

BETCHA DIDN'T KNOW: There are craters in North Dakota, Canada, France, and the Ukraine that were all most likely caused at the same time by fragments of the same asteroid about 216

million years ago.

MONDAY MORNING MORON AWARD: •Couple Charged For Having Meth Mailed To Them

QUESTION DU JOUR: Did the Mayans Actually Predict the World Will Come to an End This Sunday? "Before The World Ends, I Hope To...."

Five Little Things That Boost Our Confidence, and Five That Crush It

ONE MORE THING: Here's the Most Popular Candy in Every State

Originally Aired: Monday, June 15th, 2020

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