#TRENDING 3/08/21:Harry and Meghan Say the Royal Family Didn't Protect Them

Harry and Meghan Say the Royal Family Didn't Protect Them . . . And Maybe They Were Racist?

OPRAH's interview with PRINCE HARRY and MEGHAN MARKLE aired last night, and some pretty heavy bombs were dropped.

Apparently, when Meghan was pregnant with their son Archie, they were told he wouldn't receive a royal title, and they wouldn't provide security for him . . . which would be a break in tradition.

Also, according to Meghan, there were, quote, "concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he's born." 

This was apparently a conversation between Harry and someone within the royal organization, but Meghan refused to name the person because, quote, "It would be very damaging to them."

Harry confirmed that it happened, but refused to speak about it. But at a different point in the conversation, he said he loves his family very much. His relationship with QUEEN ELIZABETH is still tight.

But he admitted things are strained with PRINCE CHARLES, and there's, quote, "a lot to work through." He also said he felt "really let down" by him. And Harry's relationship with his brother PRINCE WILLIAM is, quote, "space, at the moment."

Meghan's mental health was a huge reason she and Harry stepped back from their royal duties. The media was BRUTAL to her, and despite promises that the family and its people would protect her and stick up for her, they never really did.

Meghan even admitted there were times when she, quote, "didn't want to be alive anymore." 

She asked repeatedly if she could get some sort of professional help. But The Firm, which is the organization that handles Royal business, refused her because, quote, "it wouldn't be good for the institution."

Meghan reaching such a low point was the final straw that led them to step back. And Harry said it helped him realize that HE was trapped, too.

Quote, "I was trapped, but I didn't know I was trapped. Trapped within the system. My father and my brother, they are trapped. They don't get to leave. And I have huge compassion for that."

To end things on a lighter note, Meghan and Harry are expecting a GIRL . . . and they say they're done having kids after this one. 

(Hollywood Reporter,The Wrap,TV Line)

Originally posted on March 8th, 2021

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