MORON AWARD: Guy Vandalized Piece of Bubble Wrap Art by Popping the Bubbles

A Guy Vandalized a Piece of Bubble Wrap Art by Popping the Bubbles

Cops in Canada are looking for a guy who walked into an art museum in Vancouver, British Columbia . . . and vandalized a piece of artwork made of BUBBLE WRAP by POPPING the bubbles.

It happened last month, but they just released his photo. They're hoping someone might recognize him.

The artwork he vandalized is called "Delta Trim." It's about a foot-and-a-half tall and 21 feet wide. It's made entirely of bubble wrap, reflective tape, zip ties, Velcro, and moose hides. (Here's a photo, and a close-up.)

The guy who vandalized it looks to be in his early 20s, and he recorded a video of himself doing it.

It's not clear how many bubbles he popped, but officials say he caused about $6,000 in damage. 

(Vancouver Sun/Vancouver Is Awesome)

(Here's a screenshotof his face.)

Originally posted on March 29th, 2021

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