MORON AWARD: Guy Steals 14 Cases of Bud Light, Then Tries to Return It

A Guy Steals 14 Cases of Bud Light, Then Tries to Return Them by Saying His Wife Bought the Wrong Beer

This seems like a really convoluted way to steal like $200.

There's a guy in Delhi Township, Ohio, and earlier this week, he stole 14 cases of Bud Light from a Kroger grocery store.

Then he rolled the shopping cart back inside and tried to return all the Bud Light . . . because he told the staff his wife bought the wrong beer.

The employees couldn't confirm his story, so the guy stormed out with all of the Bud Light.

And when the store looked at the surveillance footage, they figured out what happened . . . and they called the cops.

Now the cops are trying to track down the guy. 

(NBC 5 - Cincinnati

(Here's a picturefrom the surveillance camera.)

Originally posted on May 14th, 2021

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