#TRENDING 3/13/23: Crimes That Are Less Common During Daylight Saving Time

Seven Crimes That Are Less Common During Daylight Saving Time


Springing forward means we're in Daylight Saving Time now, so the sun sets an hour later. And one nice side-effect of that is LESS CRIME. A study a few years ago found crime rates drop 7% during Daylight Saving Time.


A home security system company just looked at property crime rates, specifically between 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM. Here are a few crimes that tend to be less common when the sun sets later in the day . . .


1. Robberies and muggings.


2. Stolen cars.


3. Theft of car parts, like catalytic converters.


4. Thefts from buildings.


5. Property damage.


6. Breaking into cars to steal stuff.


7. Shoplifting.



Originally posted on March 13th, 2023

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