#TRENDING 4/12/23: Parenting Tip: Don't Buy Your Kid a Blue Bathing Suit

Parenting Tip: Don't Buy Your Kid a Blue Bathing Suit


Summer is still two months out, but you might be looking at new bathing suits already. So here's a great tip for parents: Never buy your kid a bathing suit that's BLUE.


A swimming teacher in Florida posted a video on TikTok that's racked up millions of views in the past week. She says blue bathing suits are dangerous, because they're impossible to see.


She bought one for her daughter just to show people what she means. She chose the worst possible color, light blue.  (Here's a photo.)


It's dangerous because it's the exact same color as the bottom of every swimming pool. So it's hard to keep track of them in the water and make sure they're okay.


A few lifeguards chimed in and agreed with her. Light blue bathing suits are bad, especially for little kids. And light pastels in general aren't great.


Instead, they say stick with bright colors, like orange or red. They're much easier to see. (Daily Mail)


(Here's the video.)



Originally posted on April 12th, 2023

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