TREVOR D MINI-MORNING SHOW 8/11/23: Ketchup Crimes

QUESTION DU JOUR: Ketchup Crimes-What You Put It On Most People Don't?

TRENDING: "Wife Beater" Shirts Are Now Called "Wife Pleasers"

BETCHA DIDN'T KNOW: There are about 20 quintillion animals total living on Earth. That's 20 BILLION BILLION. And about half are insects.

FRIDAY MORNING MORON AWARD: Two People Were Arrested After Driving Around in a Car 

with the License Plate "WE HIGH"

8 O'CLOCK TALK: This Week in Science: Synthetic Booze, Space Sex, and 182 Beavers

ONE MORE THING: A Supermarket Chain's A.I. Meal Planner Recommends "Poison Bread 


Originally Aired: Friday, August 11th, 2023

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