TREVOR D MINI-MORNING SHOW: If You Could Rent Out Anywhere?

QUESTION DU JOUR: If You Could Rent Out Anywhere?

TRENDING: A Husband Accidentally Sent a Nude Photo of His Wife to Their Whole 


BETCHA DIDN'T KNOW: Coffee breaks come from a tradition in the 1800s called "elevenses" . . . 

where people would get a break from work at 11:00 A.M. to drink WHISKEY.

TUESDAY MORNING MORON AWARD: A Drug Dealer From Florida Called the Cops When a Customer Stole $10

8 O'CLOCK TALK: The Most Popular Alcohol by State

ONE MORE THING: You Can Cure Cramps and Panic Attacks with . . . Sour Patch Kids?

Originally Aired: Tuesday, September 26th, 2023

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