#TRENDING 10/13/23: Happy Friday the 13th! Here Are Four Stats About Today

Happy Friday the 13th! Here Are Four Stats About Today


It's Friday the 13th! And since it's also October, this one feels just a little more frightening. To help get you through it, here are four stats you might not know about today . . .


1. An estimated 17 to 21 million Americans have a fear of Friday the 13th. And it can manifest in many ways, from refusing to fly on this day . . . to not leaving the house at all.


2. Since so many people change their plans or stay home, businesses in the U.S. lose an estimated $800 to $900 million each time there's a Friday the 13th.


3. The maximum number of times that a Friday the 13th can occur in any given year is three, but it's guaranteed to come up at least once a year.


4. This is the second Friday the 13th in 2023 . . . the first was in January. The next one won't be until next September. 


(Bellevue Herald-Leader)

Originally posted on October 13th, 2023

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