#TRENDING 5/07/24: Things That Were Supposed to Be the "Next Big Thing"

10 Things That Were Supposed to Be the "Next Big Thing" . . . But Just Vanished


Remember Google Glass? The "smart glasses" that people were talking about 10 years ago as the "next big thing" . . . but then they fizzled out, and were eventually discontinued.


People are listing things that were once hyped as the "next big thing" . . . but never got close, and have basically VANISHED. Here are the best ones:


1. Google+ . . . Google's social network that was supposed to rival Facebook.


2. The Metaverse . . . Facebook's alternate reality virtual space.


3. 3D televisions . . . and 3D movies.


4. HD DVD . . . It lost out to Blu-ray in the mid-2000s. Before that, Betamax!


5. Quibi . . . It was a streaming platform focusing on short-form content.


6. NFTs . . . Particularly the digital photos that were going for big bucks.


7. The two-wheeled Segway "personal transporter."


8. The Titanic . . . and then the tours down to see it.  (Too soon?)


9. Olestra . . . the fat substitute.


10. Theranos . . . the company Elizabeth Holmes started that claimed it had developed some kind of special blood test technology, where a small finger prick of blood could be analyzed and sent to doctors to screen you for all kinds of conditions. Whatever it was, it turned out to be a fraud.


11. New Coke.


12.  Johnny "Football" Manziel . . . who flamed out with the Browns.


13. Microsoft Zune . . . even though some die-hards swear by it.


14. Power Balance . . . Those rubber wrist bands with a holographic sticker or something inside them to "improve your balance."


15. Virtual Reality . . . It hasn't fully vanished, it still keeps coming back, but it never becomes the game-changer that people keep trying to make it.


16.  The Wallflowers.



Originally posted on May 7th, 2024

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