#Trending - Thursday, May 18th, 2017

Beauty Sleep Is Real . . . If You Don't Sleep Enough, You're Ugly


  Beauty sleep sounds like something "Good Housekeeping" magazine made up back in 1956 and put in a list of tips for women like "Always make sure your husband has a hot meal, even if you go hungry" and "Jobs give you wrinkles."


But, according to a new study, beauty sleep is VERY real.


Researchers out of Sweden took photos of people after two good nights of sleep and two nights of only four hours of sleep . . . and then they had strangers rank how attractive they were in the different photos.


And the pictures where people were well-rested got WAY better scores.  They were rated as more attractive, healthier, and friendlier than they were in the photos when they hadn't gotten much sleep. 



Originally posted on May 18th, 2017

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