A Woman Poses as Her Sister on Tinder Because....

A Woman Poses as Her Sister on Tinder, Puts the Best Guys in a Powerpoint, and Gives That as Her Christmas Present


A woman in Chicago named Megan Steffen came up with a unique Christmas gift for her 24-year-old sister Emily.  It didn't cost her any money, but it DID take some time and effort.


Megan signed up for a Tinder account . . . put up Emily's picture . . . wrote in the bio that she was Emily's sister looking for good matches . . . wound up with 39 solid guys . . . and then made a Powerpoint presentation with all of their pictures and key info.


 On Christmas, she gave the presentation to Emily . . . and fortunately, she loved it.  Megan says Emily even picked one guy and they're going to go out soon.  And now her tweet about the whole thing is going viral.  



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