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Sneaky Summertime Health Hazards
Three of the biggest health risks in summer are sunburns, heat stroke, and the risk of drowning. But here are four other summertime health hazards you might not think about . . .
1. Eyeball sunburns. It only takes a few hours under the right conditions, and it can lead to things like cataracts and macular degeneration. That's why good, UV sunglasses are important. (Just don't be like those solar eclipse idiots last year, who showed up in the E.R. after putting SUNBLOCK in their eyes.)
2. E. coli bacteria. It's in the fecal matter of humans and other animals, like birds. So you can come in contact with it at the beach, in the water, or in swimming pools.
The CDC looked at pools a few years ago, and found that, quote, "fecal incidents" are more common than you think. And the chlorine in the water might not take care of it.
3. Food poisoning. It's more common in the summer for a couple reasons. People at picnics and barbecues leave stuff like potato salad sitting out in the sun. And because of undercooking meat on the grill.
4. Alcohol-related dehydration. It's a lot easier to get dehydrated when it's hot out. And alcohol dehydrates you too. So find some shade, and mix in some water every now and then.