MORON AWARD: 20-Year-Old Was Busted Using a "McLovin" ID to Drink at a Bar

A 20-Year-Old Was Busted for Using a "McLovin" ID to Drink at a Bar

A 20-year-old guy named Daniel Burleson was at a bar in Iowa City, Iowa on Friday when the cops did a sweep through to check IDs.

And when Daniel gave them his real ID that showed he was 20, they spotted his fake ID in his wallet. And it wasn't just any fake ID . . . it was a Hawaii driver's license with the name McLovin. With a picture of McLovin on it.

If you don't know that reference, it's from the movie"Superbad", where one of the characters gets a fake Hawaii driver's license that says his name is "McLovin."

Daniel said he ordered it off Amazon.

He was charged with possession of a fake ID, public intoxication, minor in possession of alcohol, and being in a bar while underage. 

(The Smoking Gun

(Here's his mugshot, and the McLovin ID.)

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