Do You Make Plans With No Intention of Actually Keeping Them Too??

Making Plans With No Intention of Actually Keeping Them Is More Common Than You Think

Do you have plans for this weekend that you said "yes" to . . . but you're pretty sure you're going to bail on them? You're not the only one.

According to a new survey, more than one in four people admit they make plans with no intention of actually keeping them.

The most common excuses people use for bailing are: A family thing came up . . . I'm feeling sick . . . there's a crisis at work . . . my pet is sick . . . and I forgot I'd already scheduled something else.

Men are more likely to bail on plans than women. Men make it to 58% of the things they agree to . . . women make it to 63%. 

(Daily Mirror)

Originally posted on February 27th, 2020

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