One More Thing To Worry About: "Murder Hornets" Have Arrived in the U.S.

Something Called "Murder Hornets" Have Arrived in the U.S. and What Even Is This Year?

Insects called "MURDER HORNETS" have made their way to the U.S. for the first time ever. That's right: MURDER HORNETS.

These hornets are up to two inches long and a bee expert at Washington State University says they are, quote, "like something out of a monster cartoon."

The murder hornets kill up to 50 people a year in Japan . . . and their stingers are so long and powerful that they can penetrate beekeeping suits. Fortunately, they don't usually attack people . . . but when they do, look out.

They're also a huge predator to honey bees . . . and just a few of these hornets can completely destroy a hive in a few hours. Honey bees are already in a lot of trouble, so this is a new predator they REALLY don't need.

Four sightings have happened in Washington state and British Columbia, Canada. There's no word on how the hornets got here . . . but experts are working on trying to trap them to keep them from spreading. (CBS News(Here's a picture.)

Originally posted on May 4th, 2020

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