#TRENDING 9/17/21: First Adult Purchase We Get Excited About Happens at 22

The First Adult Purchase We Get Excited About Happens at 22

A new poll on "adulting" asked people how old they were the first time they got excited about a LAME adult purchase, like buying a vacuum cleaner.

It actually happens pretty young. The average answer was 22 years old. 

The average person doesn't start feeling like an adult until 25 though. Here are a few more random stats from the poll . . .

1. The top signs you're a true adult include: Saving money . . . doing taxes . . . sticking to a budget . . . buying life insurance . . . and making regular doctor's appointments.

2. 39% of us feel like our friends are significantly better at adulting than we are.

3. 51% of adults go to older people with questions about things like taxes, mortgages, and life insurance. 

4. 43% of parents say that having kids has made them a more careful driver. And just under a third said they're more likely to read nutrition labels now. 


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