MORON AWARD: Disgruntled Employee Got Six Months for Releasing Rats at Work

A Disgruntled Employee Got Six Months for Releasing Rats at Work

A 61-year-old man in Ireland has just been sentenced to six months in prison for releasing RATS in his office. He worked for the county government, and he'd been there for 23 years . . . but then had a falling out with his manager.

He brought the rats into the office and set them free at night, and when everyone arrived in the morning, there was rat poo everywhere. The guy was RATTED OUT by security footage, which showed him bringing them in.

The rats caused almost $3,500 in damage. In addition to the six month prison sentence, the man had to cover the $3,500 cleaning bill.

The judge said it was a "uniquely wicked" act because of all the effort he put into finding, catching, and releasing the rats.


Originally posted on October 25th, 2021

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