What's a Common Word That You Cannot Pronounce?
It seems like EVERYONE has at least one common word that they try to avoid, because they have trouble pronouncing it.
People on social media are taking about the everyday words that they KNOW they're going to stumble over. Here are a few highlights:
1. Rural
2. Brewery
3. Marlboro
4. Posthumously
5. Worcestershire sauce
6. Sixth
7. Anemone
8. Hamster. (It's not "hampster.")
9. Espresso. (It's not "expresso.")
10. Acai, pronounced "Ah-sa-ee."
11. Realtor
12. Negligible
13. Gyro
14. Proselytize
15. Abominable
16. Metastasized
17. Phenomenon
18. February
19. Amortization
20. Someone said, "For some reason I really have to focus when I say "rear wheel drive."
Originally posted on October 10th, 2023