QUESTION DU JOUR: Most Unusual Thing You Found In A Halloween Candy Bag?
TRENDING: It's National Candy Corn Day, and Candy Corn Actually Isn't the Worst
Halloween Candy
BETHCA DIDN'T KNOW: The smell of fresh-cut grass is a distress signal. The grass is releasing a
chemical that makes that smell to try to save itself from the mortal wound you just
dealt to it.
MONDAY MORNING MORON AWARD: Someone Stole $3,000 Worth of Halloween Decorations
from a Single Yard
VISIT WITH: Carma Hanson from Safe Kids Grand Forks-Halloween Safety
8 O'CLOCK TALK: Urban Outfitters Has Started Selling "Vintage" iPods
ONE MORE THING: You Should Be Washing Your Hair with Beer?
Originally Aired: Monday, October 30th, 2023