QUESTION DU JOUR: Favorite Sandwich? From Where? Odd Answers....
TRENDING: 70% of Us Think Changing the Clocks This Weekend Is a Waste of Time . . .
Here's Why We Hate It So Much
BETCHA DIDN'T KNOW: Barbie has had more than 200 different careers, including astronaut, doctor,
rapper, and Canadian Mountie. Her first gig, in 1959, was "fashion model." She's had 23 jobs this year, including referee, math teacher, and U.S. President.
VISIT WITH: Chili Feed For Veterans at the East Grand Forks VFW Saturday
FRIDAY MORNING MORON AWARD: A Connecticut Guy Used Fake Police Lights to Get to Work Faster
8 O'CLOCK TALK: A Dad Says His Kids Got Sauce Packets While Trick-or-Treating
ONE MORE THING: An Extra Hour of Sleep: 21% of Us Never Wake Up Feeling Refreshed?
Originally Aired: Friday, November 3rd, 2023