TREVOR D MINI-MORNING SHOW: Surprises You Found In Your Winter Jacket

QUESTION DU JOUR: Surprises You Found In Your Winter Jacket?

TRENDING: Ways the Time Shift Can Affect Our Health

BETCHA DIDN'T KNOW: If you yelled at a cup of coffee for eight years straight, you'd produce enough energy to heat it.

MONDAY MORNING MORON AWARD: A Florida Guy Carjacked a Lyft Driver After Booking the Ride 

Under His Own Name

VISIT WITH: Circle Of Friends Animal Shelter

8 O'CLOCK TALK: South Carolina Has a Mayonnaise Tasting Tour . . . with 20 Stops

ONE MORE THING: Top Foods We Won't Share Are Fries, Pizza, and Ice Cream

Originally Aired: Monday, November 6th, 2023

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