TREVOR D MINI-MORNING SHOW: Basic Thing You Are Terrible At?

QUESTION DU JOUR: Basic Thing You Are Terrible At?

TRENDING: 10 Things That Turn 50 This Year, Including Post-Its, Bar Codes, and the 

Meow Mix Jingle

BETCHA DIDN'T KNOW: The most expensive cheese in the world is made from a rare breed of 

DONKEY MILK in Serbia. It's called pule cheese and it costs $1,100 a pound.

VISIT WITH: Safe Kids Grand Forks.... It's "Drug Take-Back Day"!

TUESDAY MORNING MORON AWARD: An Angerball From Utah Was Arrested for Shooting at Ding-DongDitching Teenagers

8 O'CLOCK TALK: The Emoji That Confuses Older Folks the Most Is . . . the Wide-Eyed 

Blushing One? 

ONE MORE THING: Most Americans Now Think 9-to-5 Jobs Are an Outdated Idea

Originally Aired: Tuesday, MArch 19th, 2024

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