QUESTION DU JOUR: Your Top Priority When You Wake Up In 1924?
TRENDING: Are You Eating Your Sandwich Wrong?
BETCHA DIDN'T KNOW: Liechtenstein has won the most gold medals in the Olympics . . . per capita.
Their population is around 40,000 and they've won two golds . . . that's about one
for every 20,000 people. America has 1,175 golds . . . but just one for every
280,000 (living) people.
VISIT WITH: The Toughest Monster Truck Tour coming to The Alerus Center May 4th
THURSDAY MORNING MORON AWARD: A Georgia Man Stole a Frontloader, and a Guy in Second
Frontloader Stopped Him
8 O'CLOCK TALK: A Hunter Called the Cops to Ask if He Could Shoot Sasquatch
ONEMORE THING: Two Back-to-Back Nights of Bad Sleep Makes You Feel Four Years Older
Originally Aired: Thursday, March 28th, 2024