QUESTION DU JOUR: Something You Wish You Were Better At?
TRENDING: The Nine Germiest Spots in Your Office
BETCHA DIDN'T KNOW: When you're on a plane, you're under the laws of the country where the plane is registered, not where you take off from. So if you punch someone on an Air
Canada flight that took off in the U.S., you'll face charges in Canada.
TUESDAY MORNING MORON AWARD: A Walmart Thief in Florida Says She Was Playing a Game Called "21," Where You Dump Stolen Stuff in a Random Car?
8 O'CLOCK TALK: First Dates Over Video Are Now More Popular Than in Person
ONE MORE THING: April Fools' Day Round-Up: Pranks, Non-Pranks, and Pseudo-Pranks
Originally Aired: Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024