QUESTION DU JOUR: You Got A Better Deal Than You Should Have?
TRENDING: A Court Ruled Tacos Are Sandwiches
BETCHA DIDN'T KNOW: Catfish have the best sense of taste of any animal . . . they have more than
100,000 taste buds all over their bodies. Humans have about 10,000 taste buds,
and they're all on our tongue. Chickens have the fewest, with just 24.
WEDNESDAY MORNING MORON AWARD: A Pennsylvania Thief Was Caught . . . Because of a Footprint in Cajun Seasoning?
8 O'CLOCK TALK: Oops! A College Had to Retract 1,500 Admissions, After Accidentally
Sending Acceptance Letters?
ONE MORE THING:Pizza Hut Now Has Burgers . . . Very Weird Burgers
Originally Aired: Wednesday, May 15th, 2024