QUESTION DU JOUR: Stuff You Did You Wouldn't Let Your Kids Do?
TRENDING: A Town in Ohio Is Being Plagued . . . with People Leaving Thousands of
Dollars in Public Bathrooms?
BETCHA DIDN'T KNOW: In 2005, 20.9% of Americans smoked cigarettes. That's roughly 21 in 100
people. Now, it's 11.5%, or less than 12 in 100 people.
THURSDAY MORNING MORON AWARD: A Iowa Drunk Driver's Fake I.D. Said He Was Eight Feet Tall
8 O'CLOCK TALK: The 10 Unhealthiest Cheeses You Can Buy
ONE MORE THING: Google Will Use A.I. to Detect Scams . . . During Calls?
Originally Aired: Thursday, May 16th, 2024