QUESTION DU JOUR: Most Attractive Occupation If Salary Didn't Matter?
TRENDING: What Occupation Is the "Most Attractive" . . . If Salary Didn't Matter
BETCHA DIDN'T KNOW: Commercial airline pilots are not allowed to have beards, and some airlines
require pilots to be clean-shaven. It has to do with safety. They need to ensure
that crew members' oxygen masks maintain a good seal in the event of an
emergency . . . and facial hair can get in the way of that.
MONDAY MORNING MORON AWARD: A Sotuh Carolina Customer Attacked a Server at Waffle House After She Took His Cigar
8 O'CLOCK TALK: A Guy Is Suing Apple After His Wife Found His "Deleted" Texts to Hookers
ONE MORE THING: Police in Minnesota Can't Ask "Do You Know Why I Pulled You Over?"
Originally Aired: Monday, June 17th, 2024