Trevor D in the Morning Show

Trevor D in the Morning Show

Want to know more about Trevor D in the Morning Show? Get their official bio, social pages & articles on Forks\\' #1 HIT Music Channel!!Full Bio


TREVOR D MINI MORNING SHOW: Lies Parents Told You When You Were A Kid

QUESTION DU JOUR: Lie Your Parents Told You When You Were A Kid?

#TRENDING: It's National Disc Jockey Day! Do You Know Why It's on January 20th?

BETCHA DIDN'T KNOW: An Octopus Has Eight Brains?

THURSDAY MORNING MORON AWARD: A Guy in a High-Speed Chase Refused to Stop Until He Finished His Burger

8 O'CLOCK TALK: The Average Person Needs Some Sort of Reset Every Seven Months

ONE MORE THING: Morning Habits That Will Make You Feel Like a Real Adult

Originally Aired: Thursday, January 20th, 2022

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