Trevor D in the Morning Show

Trevor D in the Morning Show

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#TRENDING 7/22/24: You Probably Weigh More Today Than You Did on Friday

You Probably Weigh More Today Than You Did on Friday


If you weigh yourself every day, you might want to chill out on that . . . Experts say weekly weigh-ins are better, because it prevents you from becoming too obsessed. But it still keeps you aware of weight fluctuations.


Everyone's weight varies from day to day, and that's normal. On average, it fluctuates 0.35% during the week. And we tend to weigh more on Mondays, right after the weekend.


Here are the six main reasons you might weigh a little more or less from one day to another.


1.  How hydrated you are. You'll weigh less if you're dehydrated, which ISN'T a good thing. Most of the stuff on the list has something to do with water weight.


2.  The type of food you ate. If your dinner was high in carbs, you'll weigh more the next day. Your body has to retain 3 to 4 grams of water for every gram of carbs you eat. Salty foods make you retain water too.


3.  How much food you ate. If you eat a half-pound of food, you'll obviously weigh a half-pound more . . . at least for a little while.


4.  Bowel movements. It varies a lot depending on how big you are, and how much you eat. But the average person weighs a quarter-of-a-pound to a full pound less when they walk out of the bathroom.


5.  Exercise. Again, because of water weight. The average person sweats out about a liter of water . . . or two pounds' worth . . . during one hour of moderate exercise. But any water you drink during your workout counteracts that.


6.  Hormonal changes. Women retain water during their cycle and can temporarily gain up to four or five pounds because of it. Totally normal.



For all those reasons, experts say the best thing to do is to weigh yourself once a week, and always at the same time of the day. 


(Study Finds)

Originally posted on July 22nd, 2024

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