Trevor D in the Morning Show

Trevor D in the Morning Show

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#TRENDING 10/30/24: After You Binge on Halloween Candy, Eat Some Sauerkraut

Health Tip: After You Binge on Halloween Candy, Eat Some Sauerkraut


The average American is about to eat a ton of candy over the next few days. Here's how to counteract some of the health effects . . .


The website "The Conversation" did a big article on how too much candy can wreck your microbiome. That's the delicate balance of good bacteria in your gut.


Messing with it can cause indigestion, and weaken your immune system. So, too much candy could make you sick in more ways than one.


But here's one way to deal with it: After you polish off your kid's candy stash, go eat a bunch of SAUERKRAUT.  (???)


It can help rebalance your microbiome because it's one of the "Four F's": "Fiber" . . . "phytochemicals" . . . unsaturated "fats" . . . and "FERMENTED" foods.


You know what fiber and unsaturated fats are. Phytochemicals are basically just chemicals found in plants.  (It actually starts with a P-H, not an F.)


But fermented foods like sauerkraut are important too, because they help replenish that good bacteria your gut needs to keep you healthy. If you're not a sauerkraut fan, don't feel like you have to choke it down. 


Other fermented foods include yogurt, kimchi, and kombucha. 


(The Conversation)

Originally posted on October 30th, 2024

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